Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Millie's Birthday...and Much More!

Family Birthday party for all the May Birthdays

Millie's Birthday Party
Millie officially graduated into a "big girl" bed, and got some new PJs the same night. Now that makes for one happy 3-year-old!
Visit To Fountain Green

Fun at Home

Someone knows she is beautiful!
And must get her beauty sleep
Grace CANNOT eat yogurt without turning it into art at the end
Some people can pull off these sophisticated glasses :)
This girl is "girl" through and through! She loves getting new clothes!Spring picnic out on the deck--our favorite lunch!
Gracie's perfect grip that she figured out on her own

Grace LOVES to draw, and can spend a very long time working on her drawings. We wonder if she is a little artist in the making!
Millie's letters...and pictures...

Temple Square Outing
Fishing at Grandpa Thatcher's!!
It only took 3 that's a great place to fish! Grandpa Thatcher's pond!

Park Playgroup

And, An Official Announcement:
(since we were awful at telling everyone, but knew the word probably got around)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like we have some serious artists in our family. Thanks for posting the pictures so we can remember good times with you.
